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2003 - BMW get pissed at Williams for not getting the maxium out of the car and send their own people to oversee in-season update testing. This results in the last title challenge have (so far, of course) mounted

2004 - Williams try the walrus nose. Not a bad concept, seeing how the teams eventually got to somewheat similar concepts around 2010, but Williams couldn't get it to work

2008 - the car is hard to set up and Williams can't get it to work properly, despite the couple of standout results suggesting it's not actually a bad car

2009 - Williams have the same double diffuser idea as Brawn, but can't get it to work properly

2011 - the car is obviously not working properly, Williams have no idea why

2013 - Williams try RBR style exhaust/diffuser solution and can't get it to work properly, resulting in an almost undrivable car

2016 - Williams notice that increasing downforce on their car leads to the flow detatching, but don't understand why

2017 - when Stroll got his front row start, Williams were asked why was their car suddenly so good. Their answer was - fuck if we know

The themes of Williams not understanding their own cars and not being able to get them to work properly have plagued them over almost two decades and four technical directors. Mark Gillan and Rubens Barichello both talked about systemic issues leading to exactly these problems, and Pat Symmonds hinted something similar.

#f1 #kubica
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