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@porannewyciepsa: Wielu jest takich. Akurat muritanio czy jak mu tam też na początku szalał po drogach. Jest jeszcze maxwirst - nie szanuje bo robi to co robi w ruchu ulicznym i montuje filmy tak by wyglądało jeszcze szybciej ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
A wyścig to wyścig, tu się jeździ zawsze na max i za to szanuję.
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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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It's totally him. He physically abused the kids and held a knife to his gf's throat. He's a rapist too although they reduced the charge to sodomy. There used to be websites up about it but they've all been taken down. It's despicable he got as little time as he did and he's still idolized.

One of the websites exposing him claimed his YouTube channel was being run by a
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