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You know. This game is 100% historically accurate. My grandpa and grandma met when the two of them were fighting alongside each other on D-Day, grandpa just picked up a katana he found on the ground and in the corner of his eye he caught sight of a woman with hot pink face paint and a prothstetic leg. He wandered over to her, completely ignoring his friends call for medical attention, he could just get a fake leg after all. The two of them jumped on the nearest tank they found, my grandma driving it and my grandpa hanging from the top, one had firing a MG42 and in the other painting some new emblems on his jacket. Once they reached wherever they were going they found a teddybear and just strapped it on the tank cos why not. Unfortunately because there were no distinctive uniforms on the soldiers then and the 'Nazis' didn't have swastikas on their uniforms, it was only when the fighting had calmed down did my grandma realise my grandpa was German! "Bloody Hell old friend" She said, since she was a stereotypical British person after all. They cover it up now though, just say my grandma worked in a munitions factory and my grandpa just hung around with a few disgusting white males in some wet soggy trenches. Glad to see their true stories are now being told.

#tylewtemacie #pdk #gry #battlefield #pasta #heheszki
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