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George Soros funds groups in Israel that distribute billboards & spread lies about the Poles role in the Holocaust. I've traced a financial link between his organization to Israeli orgs that engage in blaming the Poles. Most Israelis share my opinion. The Liberal agenda is to hate.

My dear Polish friends, For 69 yrs Israelis didn't say anything about Poles and didn't publicly accused Poles for the Holocaust. Something changed, the reason is George Soros who funds many groups that spread lies and vile accusations. It's his agenda - to isolate Israel.

These are the people, and their children who hold the Israeli Liberal TV & media. They're still pushing a Polish agenda rather than admitting that it's the Germans, not the Poles, who performed the atrocities. Most ppl in Israel share my view.

I co, antypolonizm to tylko wymysły polskiej prawicy? Nie istnieje żadna antypolska agenda? Wszystko to tylko urojenia prawicowych paranoików? Zaznaczę tylko, że autorką powyższych słów jest Żydówka mieszkająca w Izraelu.


#polska #izrael #antypolonizm #soros #georgesoros
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An Israeli and Jewish Pro-USA Pro-#maga Pro-#nra A mother. A fighter. Liberals are the real threat! You don't have to be my friend but you don't want to be my enemy.

Jakaś randomowa kobieta z TT, która dużo pisze o polityce wew. Izraela. Poza tym sporo się udzielała w trakcie tego całego zamieszania związanego z ustawę IPN, kiedy to cały Twitter wrzał. Ma sporo followersów z PL.

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