Wpis z mikrobloga

Hej, sprzedaję motocykl przez neta i taki jegomość się do mnie odezwał poprzez SMS, załączam zrzut.
Odpisałem, że moto dalej na sprzedaż i czy jest zainteresowany.

Taką wiadomoś otrzymałem.

„Thanks for getting back to me... I'm Raymond Tred From U.S.A but currently now in Ireland (England) for a Project doing which will take me some time. However, I'm Ready to Buy the Bike from you as I know a very Good Shipping Company from Dubai (Global Shipping Logistics) which I will be sending Down for the Bike to be Picked up from your Address down to my Country in United State...

- Concerning changing of document to my name or signature signs shall be done by my shipping company.
- My Shipping Company will represent me by staying 1-2 days in your country to go to the Police Department and make sure all procedure is done accurately before picking up the Bike from your Address.
-The Transportation Charges, Expenses and cost to pick up the Bike from your Place Down to my address shall be responsible by me.
- I want to know the body condition of the bike and when last you serviced it.
- And Lastly what is the actual price you are willing to sell the Bike for me?

Kindly take note on that and also be aware that I can only pay you via PayPal (www.paypal.com) which is a fast, safe and reliable way to receive Payment Instantly as i don't have access paying you via bank but can pay you Instantly from my paypal account directly to your PayPal account which I hope you understand...

Please Advise as Possible, DO YOU HAVE PAYPAL?”

Wygląda to na dobry przekręt, dość prosta sprawa a jednak zastanawiam sie jak to rozegrać dalej. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
źródło: comment_8aIKlyATXQseFbcQi3h48qdI0Uo2D2bn.jpg
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@kowalsk7: Powiedz żeby Ci wysłał 100 funtów w kryptowalucie czy coś na paliwo i żebyś wziął dzień wolnego z pracy i że wtedy się ruszysz z motorem jak będzie reszta na paypal, po czym czekaj na potwierdzenie z paypala a tych co przyjadą po motor kopnij w dupę. Takich debili się powinno jechać ich własną metodą.