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#ufik78news #javascript #programowanie #webdev
01. Link - How massive companies use node.js at scale

02. Link - From PHP to JavaScript with Node.js

03. Link - Learn JavaScript Promises by Building a Promise from Scratch

04. Link - A 218b spreadsheet app in HTML/JS

05. Link - JavaScript Speech Recognition

06. Link - ES6 Promises: Patterns and Anti-Patterns

07. Link - Proposal: Arbitrary precision integers in JavaScript

08. Link - Web Truths: JavaScript can’t be trusted

09. Link - Exploring Animation And Interaction Techniques With WebGL (A Case Study)

10. Link - Designing Websites for iPhone X

11. Link - Intriguing CSS Level 4 Selectors

12. Link - Sensors For The Web!

13. Link - Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots to play any game you own

14. Link - How I got to 200 productive hours a month
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