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The Language that Stole Android Developers’ Hearts
By supporting Kotlin as a “first class” language, Google scored major points with its community of developers.


Kotlin is exactly what Google needed to light a fire under Oracle's ass. They've been dragging their feet on new Java features for years. That, and the constant threat of Oracle closing Java back up as they're doing to MySQL.

The backlash against jigsaw may turn out to be justified. "Modularizing" the JVM would be exactly what you would expect as a first step to making some parts proprietary. If Oracle can wall off parts of the JVM completely they can claim GPL exemption for these parts and start closed source development of "enterprise" level features.

Kotlin will do a lot to derail attempts to make Java proprietary. Since it works fine on Java6 JVM's it sends a strong signal to Oracle that "we don't need you, if you piss us off we'll just fork the language".


#java #androiddev
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