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Witam Mirków ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - mógłby ktoś znający się na angielskim sprawdzić poniższy tekst pod względem błędów? Zadanie z technikum - wpis na blogu - zadanie w załączniku #angielskizwykopem #angielski

Hello people!

Last month i visited capital city of Poland – Warsaw. I have seen there a lot of popular places, which you can see in internet.

I have only ony day there, so I decided to visit only the most interesting places like: Łazienki Królewskie, Palace of Culture and Science or Copernicus Science Centre. I was so tired!

To be honest – I don’t really like science, but this places are awesome. You can see there a lot of nice experiments. In Copernicus Science Centre I have spent 4 hours and bought postcard, so if somebody want, sent me your adress.

I can recommend some restaurants like „Polka” or „Old House”. You can eat there really good polish national food like pierogi or something else. I’m waiting for your comments!
T.....i - Witam Mirków ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - mógłby ktoś znający się na angielskim sprawdzić ...

źródło: comment_twSal7V87WlgRDvCgV9qFZx0PBrM5Ari.jpg

  • 5
Z angielskiego coś tam potrafię, i wydaje mi się, że powinno być tak (pare rzeczy zmieniłem dodatkowo, żeby lepiej brzmiało np. "I have" na "I've")

Last month *I* visited *the capital* of Poland – Warsaw. *While there*, I've seen a lot of popular places, that you can find on the* Internet.

I *was there for just* ony (one?) day, so I decided to visit only the most interesting places like:

see in internet.

on the Internet

I have only ony day there

Chodzi o I have been only one day there?

I have spent 4 hours and bought postcard, so if somebody want, sent me your adress.

przed postcard brakuje a albo the (sam pewien nie jestem). so if somebody want it. send, a nie sent (bo to nie czas przeszły).

Możliwe, że jest tam coś jeszcze - tyle

Hello people!

Brzmi naprawdę dziwnie xD ,,Hello everyone", albo nawet bez tego hello, w życiu na blogu czegoś takiego nie widziałem

I have seen there a lot of popular places, which you can see in internet.

in internet

the internet

Inna propozycja, bo ta Twoja bardzo mi nie brzmi xD:
I've had the opportunity to see a lot of interesting places which you probably know from the internet

I have