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pamiętacie zarzutkę "save yours candies"? no cóż to zwykły inside joke. na reddicie trafiłem na poniższy komentarz, zamieszczony ponad 2 tygodnie temu. ostatni akapit opisuje też dlaczego czasami tak długo trzeba czekać na aktualizacje

I forget which panel it happened in, but he did mention that the whole "SAVE YOUR CANDIES" thing got started because he jokingly said that at some event, and didn't mean anything by it. So, there's no event or anything planned that would require saving your candies.

That was part of an explanation of why Niantic's usual policy is just to not talk about anything, other than technical issues and things like that--because anything that looks like a clue gets spun into crazy theories, and if the community is mad about something, trying to explain things usually just makes it worse.

There wasn't a whole lot in the second panel about Pokemon Go; he did show the old trailer for it, which he said was made by some third-party video production company before Niantic even knew what kind of game they were going to make, and the design team was kind of aghast at all the crazy things it was promising.

(And I'd say that, in retrospect, we should have taken that trailer with a planet-sized grain of salt, because all mobile game advertisements make the game look like an absurdly awesome holodeck acid trip spectacle even though the game is probably just a derivative puzzle game or something.)

He also mentioned that they are aware of the city vs. rural unfairness problem, and they want to fix that, but it's a complicated issue. The Pokemon Company apparently is very particular about a lot of things (down to stuff like the shade of Pikachu's fur), and practically every change to the game has to be approved by them, so that's probably part of the reason updates take so long.

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