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Zdaje się że nic strasznego się w Szwecji nie dzieje:

The quick summary seems to be that crime has been relatively steady for the past decade. The rate of rape is quite high relative to other countries (69 per 100,000, versus e.g. 27 per 100,000 in the US) but Sweden has a broad definition of "rape" and idiosyncratic reporting which means that number is somewhat misleading. The nature of rape reporting makes it really hard to compare countries, but it doesn't seem like Sweden is suffering particularly badly here.

The number of reported rapes increased by 13 percent to 6560 crime, while the reported crimes of sexual coercion and exploitation decreased 1 percent to 1 240. The number of reported crimes of sexual assault increased by 20 per cent to 10 500 crimes.

Keep in mind those percentage increases are from 2015 to 2016. The rape numbers are still less than 2014 numbers

#sweden #islam #imigranci #muslim #trump
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