Wpis z mikrobloga

DD: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/eu4-development-diary-31st-january-2017.997342/

I ciekawostka z postów pod DD:

- Cavalry Ratios removed from techgroup, and added to other modifiers. Default is 50%.
- Steppe Horde government now have +25% Cavalry Ratio.
- Winged Hussars Idea gives +10% Cavalry Ratio now.
- Happy Cossacks Estates give +10% Cavalry Ratio now.
- Sunni Religion lost tolerance own, but gained +10% Cavalry Ratio.
- Tengri lost 2 unrest, but gained +25% Cavalry Ratio.
- Tengri now have 20% cheaper regiments, up from 10% cheaper regiments.
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