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Dwudniowe story, ale nie było.

JoJo nie lubi alkoholu. Pije Shirley Temple.

“I think I used to drink it when I was young, back home, but I stopped doing that. Then I was at Kansas one night. When I got to college, I didn’t go out at all. One night, I went out with my teammates. This girl walked up to me, she was like talking to me. She’s like, ‘Why aren’t you drinking?’ And then I was like, ‘I just don’t drink. Alcohol is nasty.’ Then, she was like, ‘Ooooh, I might have something for you.’ So, she went and got a Shirley Temple, and I was like, ‘Aaaah, oh ok.’ Then I fell in love with it, and since then, I’ve been drinking it.”

Jeżeli Joel Embiid aka GOAT będzie utrzymywał taka formę zarówno na boisku jak i poza nim, to chyba będzie drugi epizod w moim życiu, kiedy będę kibicował Sixers.

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