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[Kandydaci na przewodniczącego PE grożą Polsce sankcjami [ENG]](http://www.wykop.pl/link/3550571/kandydaci-na-przewodniczacego-pe-groza-polsce-sankcjami-eng/)
Sześciu z siedmiu kandydatów na nowego przewodniczącego Parlamentu Europejskiego popiera odebranie Polsce głosu w Radzie Europejskiej jeśli ta nie zareaguje na zastrzeżenia dotyczące niezależności sądów i rządów prawa. Nawet kandydatka frakcji do której należy PiS nie sprzeciwiła się sankcjom.

During a POLITICO-sponsored presidential debate Wednesday evening, the candidates for the two largest groups — Antonio Tajani of the European People’s Party and Gianni Pittella of the Alliance of Socialists & Democrats — agreed sanctions should be imposed on the Polish government if it does not implement recommendations made by the European Commission last year.

The Commission reiterated its demands just before Christmas, giving the government until the end of February to reverse the changes. If it fails to do so it risks a formal warning from the Council, which would require MEPs’ approval, and ultimately, if it doesn’t change course, the suspension of its voting rights in the Council of the EU.

When asked if sanctions should be imposed on Warsaw over the Commission’s rule of law concerns, even Helga Stevens — the candidate for the European Conservatives and Reformists to which the Law and Justice party’s 19 MEPs belong — agreed.

Laurenţiu Rebega from the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group was the only candidate to disagree.

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