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Zagadka na rozmowie o prace dla quanta: A young and happy marriage wants to have a son. They decide to make as many attempts as possible and once a son is born they stop.
This could be after 1 attempt or after 10 attempts. What is the expectation value of the number of attempts? (In other words, how many times they have to try, on average?). #matematyka #zagadka #ekonomia
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@wonsz_smieszek: A quantitative analyst or, in financial jargon, a quant is a person who specializes in the application of mathematical and statistical methods – such as numerical or quantitative techniques – to financial and risk management problems. Similar work of industrial mathematics is done in most other modern industries, but the work is not always called quantitative analysis.
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@inspektor_erektor: @nejfan:
Zakładając że podobieństO zajścia wynosi 50% to prawdopodobieństwo syna po pierwszej próbie wynosi 50% * 50% = 25 %(bo na 50% córka), czyli rozwiązanie jest błędne.

Rozwiązanie odpowiada prawidłowo na pytanie: ile dzieci będą mieć.
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