Wpis z mikrobloga

Mirko pomusz bo zgłupiałem.

What is the purpose of "OR IGNORE" in the following SQL:

a. It makes sure that if a particular title is already in the table, there are no duplicate rows inserted
b. It ignores errors in the SQL syntax for the statement
c. It updates the created_at value if the title already exists in the table
d. It ignores any foreign key constraint errors

#sqlite #bazydanych #pytanie #ankieta

Pytanie wyżej bo wykopowe ankiety to żart.

  • a 60.0% (6)
  • b 10.0% (1)
  • c 0% (0)
  • d 30.0% (3)

Oddanych głosów: 10

  • 11
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The ON CONFLICT clause applies to UNIQUE, NOT NULL, CHECK, and PRIMARY KEY constraints. The ON CONFLICT algorithm does not apply to FOREIGN KEY constraints.
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