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Kamusta Mirki and Mirabelki
Its my 2nd time here in wykop. I ask my boyfriend @localgoodness: about few rules that you have here. So it wont surprise me so much.

Few words about me:
Im from Philippines
Living in Norway atm.
I know you've heard lots of thing or stories bout filipina. But I wanna show you how relationship looks like with polish guy. Yes. NOT SO EASY!!

My tag will be #meandhim

For more attention i put #pokazmorde and #pokazniebieskiegopaska #zwiazki and #feels

xchristinex - Kamusta Mirki and Mirabelki 
Its my 2nd time here in wykop. I ask my bo...

źródło: comment_Fg0yrAICQowQUuZMGUkWeCgEczaUXx4o.jpg

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