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Fajny komentarz w w odpowiedzi na twierdzenia ludzi, którzy nie mogą się pogodzić z mechaniką kwantową, bo jest nieelegancka, brzydka, dziwna:

I think that quantum mechanics is absolutely beautiful. It's the only other framework aside from classical physics that may produce logically consistent theories compatible with the basic experience.

And quantum mechanics is clearly prettier than classical physics. The phase spaces are softer by getting fuzzy. The exact linearity is beautiful - like the precise planar faces of a diamond. The exact unitarity of all operators is beautiful. The fact that quantum mechanics "saves space" and says nothing about things that are not needed - like the state of things that can't be observed - is also beautiful. It's the ultimate form of thriftyness. It's a "waste of resources" for a theory to be saying something specific at all times even when no one cares. QM is different: it only produces (probabilistic) answers for those who care, who ask a well-defined question what they're going to observe or perceive.

Evolution operators in QM are given by unitary matrices. Unitary matrices are continuous and algebraically prettier than the "permutation of points in phase spaces" which is what classical physics assigns to any evolution or transformation. Permutations of infinite, especially continuous, sets are ugly classes of transformations. Unitary groups are pretty and well-defined.

The atom is prettier when it's stable. It's stable because QM may "rigorously ban" any state with the energy beneath the bound state. It's beautiful when this interval of a priori possible energies is totally erased. It's beautiful that in the path-integral formulation, all trajectories are qualitatively equally good and they only differ by the quantum phase - whose interference decides about all outcomes. It's beautiful that possibilities - Hilbert spaces etc. - are always described by linear representations of groups.

The commutator is simpler and prettier than the Poisson bracket that it replaces. I could continue for a long time. I just think that whoever finds QM ugly simply has a bad aesthetic taste. But this is a statement against the statement. In science, subjective arbitrary labels of ugliness are not what decides.

#fizyka #mechanikakwantowa #ligamozgow #nauka
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nieelegancka i brzydka

Ustawiając na przemian sfery i wielościany Kepler zauważył, że:

ośmiościan foremny opisany na sferze Merkurego jest wpisany w sferę Wenus.
dwudziestościan foremny opisany na sferze Wenus jest wpisany w sferę Ziemi;
dwunastościan foremny opisany na sferze Ziemi jest wpisany w sferę Marsa,
czworościan foremny opisany na sferze Marsa jest wpisany w sferę Jowisza
sześcian opisany na sferze Jowisza jest wpisany w sferę Saturna.
Szczęśliwym zbiegiem okoliczności było
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@Grypho: Ostatnio dokładnie o tym mówił Turzyński na Światach równoległych. Tzn. że fizycy szukają coraz głębszych i piękniejszych symetrii, żeby zunifikować teorie, a może to jest taka kepleriada.
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@Clermont: no to inny cytat, też fizyka, też polaka:

Niedostrzeganie problemów metafizycznych w fizyce kwantowej, lub w GR, to nikiforyzm intelektualny i kulturowy
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