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Napisalem post w odpowiedzi do teamtu o metodologii Austriackiej, gdzie napisalem:

Pamietaj, ze Austricy ktorzy walcza z mainstreamem i sa obroncami prawdy nie sa wolni od manipulacji i od promowania wlasnych interesow. Jak jestes zainteresowany (albo ktos inny) tematem moge poszukac wpisu, gdzie punkowane sa manipulacje Rothbarda.

Jak bedzie zainteresowanie to moge tego poszukac (pisal o tym David Friedman), ale poki co inny ciekawy komentarz z jego bloga:

Rothbard had a problem. He thought he was a great economist, but practically nobody within the profession agreed and most of them had never heard of him.

Rothbard had a solution. He was ignored because he held extreme pro-market views, which were ideologically unpopular in the academy.

Rothbard had a problem. Milton Friedman held extreme pro-market views--not as extreme as Rothbard's, but far enough from academic orthodoxy so that the same effect should have existed. But Milton Friedman not only wasn't ignored, he was viewed within the profession as a leading figure--despite his unpopular political views.

Rothbard had a solution--to persuade himself and his followers that Milton Friedman was really one of them instead of one of us, hence his acceptance by the profession didn't contradict Rothbard's view of the reason for Rothbard's non-acceptance.

Maintaining that claim was difficult--at one point I remember being told by a Rothbard supporter, explaining why he was not going to publish a letter of mine in his journal that contained quotes from my father inconsistent with Rothbard's account of my father's views, that if Rothbard and Friedman disagreed about what Friedman's views were, Rothbard was right.

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Pisz więcej i taguj ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dzieki za ten komentarz. W sumie planowalem popisac troche o kryzysie finansowym, finansach + jakies okazjonalne wstawki i anegdoty o ASE (mialem okazje osobiscie poznac wiekszosc "czolowych" libertarian zwiazanych z ASE, np. Water Block, Tom Woods, R. Murphy etc.), ale swiadomosc, ze przeczytaja to z 3 osoby skutecznie mnie do tego zniecheca, dlatego zostawiam wypok gownie na heheszki.

Wlasnie bardziej chodzi mi o to, ze jak przeczytaja to 2 osoby to jest mala szansa na dyskusje. Nawet pod wartosciowymi wpisami czesto widze, albo zachyt nad autorem, albo obrzucanie gownem.

Oczywiscie tez rozumiem o co Ci chodzi i mimo wszystko masz sporo racji, bo troche ogarnietych ludzi tutaj siedzi. Co ciekawe, gownie z "przeciwnego obozu" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)