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Podobno nadmierne spożywanie warzyw i owoców prowadzi do otyłości, bo fruktoza, cukry, WĘGLOWODANY.. czy ktoś wspominał o glutenie? Gluten ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Vegetarians may not only be more likely to outlive their meat-eating counterparts, they could have a leg up in the weight department, too.

A new study from Loma Linda University researchers shows an association between diet type and weight, with vegetarians having a lower body mass index than non-vegetarians. Interestingly, researchers found this association despite both groups in the study having similar caloric intake.

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics study is based on data from the Adventist Health Study 2, which includes dietary data from five groups: meat-eaters, semi-vegetarians (occasional meat-eaters), pesco-vegetarians (vegetarians who eat fish), lacto-ovo vegetarians (vegetarians who consume dairy) and vegans (who don't consume any animal products). Data was collected between 2002 and 2007 from 71,751 Seventh-Day Adventist men and women, with an average age of 59.

Caloric intake was similar among all dietary patterns -- about 2,000 calories a day -- with the one exception being the semi-vegetarians, who consumed 1,707 calories a day.

Researchers found that average BMI was lowest among vegans, while average BMI was highest among the meat-eaters. Looking specifically at obesity (defined as having a BMI over 30), researchers found that vegans had the lowest percentage of people who were obese -- just 9.4 percent -- while meat-eaters had the highest percentage of people who were obese -- 33.3 percent. About 24 percent of semi-vegetarians were obese, 17.9 percent of pesco-vegetarians were obese, and 16.7 percent of lacto-ovo vegetarians were obese.


#weganizm #wegetarianizm #wegemafiawypok #dieta #zdrowie #bekazmiesozercow
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@unknown_stranger: sory, ale wes sie zastanow nad tym, co wkleiles. czy w tych badaniach, porownujac bmi, uwzgledniono stosunek masy miesniowej do tluszczowej np? na otylosc sklada sie wiele czynnikow, chyba, ze ktos opiera diete na paczkach i masle. wysnuwanie wnioskow z obserwacji jednego czynnika, nie uwzgledniajac reszty, niewiele ma wspolnego ze stanem faktycznym.
@missing_piece: Jasne, to nieco bardziej złożona sprawa, a ja jedynie odnoszę się do zarzutów jakoby owoce (CUKRY) warzywa prowadziły do nadwagi. Masz jakieś badania, które mówią o tym, że nadmierne spożycie bananów prowadzi do otyłości brzusznej? Chętnie poczytam. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@unknown_stranger: nie mam. ba, znam osoby, dostarczajace sobie jakies 1000 kcal z owocow dziennie, fruktozy wlasnie. i sa szczuple. ty jednak sobie cos chyba ubzdurales. fruktoza MOZE, NIE MUSI prowadzic do otylosci :) mysle, ze np. ktos dostarczajacy sobie 4000 kcal w tym 1000 z fruktozy juz przy braku cwiczen fizycznych moglby byc opuchniety. a to co wrzuciles srednio odnosi sie do tematu, bo sa tez rozni wegetarianie, sa i tacy,