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Dlaczego warto robić kursy Udemy? Ciekawa inicjatywa CEO Mammoth Interactive - John Bura.

Last month we here at Mammoth Interactive wanted to do something awesome. That’s why we started the Mammoth Scholarship. This scholarship awards people for completing a Udemy course. The amount of the scholarship is 500 dollars.

This is something that will happen monthly. If you have completed any of John Bura’s courses, then you have a greater chance of being awarded the scholarship next month and the following months after that. The more courses you complete, the better chance you have of being awarded in the future. Also, you can be awarded the scholarship more than once.

Congratulations to Abhijeet Chaudhary! Abhijeet was enrolled in 3 courses and completed the Complete iOS9 Developer Course - Build 50 Apps with Swift!

Here is a little information about Abhijeet:

My name is Abhijeet Chaudhary, I am from India and have completed Bachelors in Telecommunications from India, a PG diploma from Toronto and currently enrolled in Masters degree in Poland. Over the last year I found out that everywhere you need to have some sort of programming skill (C, C++, Java etc) to complete a project write a simulator or anything for that matter. For my Masters thesis I had to choose a topic and I chose writing an application in iOS as in future I want to apply for jobs like Junior developer or in a company where having some sort of programming skill gives your application an edge. I started looking for several courses on iOS/Swift Language coding and going through a few I chose Mammoth Interactive’s course because: The courses offered by John Bura (Mammoth Interactive) are easily the best out there for simple and straight forward reasons. Learning how to code by just starting it right away gives you a very good understanding visually when all the dots are connected in every lecture/tutorial. Continuing the course you'll find these function, variables and methods being used various ways following the same principles. Not only I have learned how to build a variety of applications but also learned the basics of coding along the way. Now I can put it all together and work on my ideas as well. Taking several course like iOS 9 Swift, Watch OS etc by Mammoth Interactive and looking forward to more great content. I recommend this to anyone who has no experience at all as well because I was one of those students. Now I am confident enough to carry on and apply for relevant jobs in the near future.

- Abhijeet Chaudhary

Thank you to everybody who completed a course. Remember that the more courses you complete the greater the possibility that you will be awarded the scholarship next month. On January 10th, the next recipient will be announced. In case you forgot here are the requirements.

You have to meet the following criteria in order to receive the scholarship:

Over 18 years of age
Must be enrolled in at least 1 of John Bura's courses
Must complete at least 1 course - it has to say 100% completed

Thanks again,

- John Bura – CEO Mammoth Interactive
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