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Courtney the virtual assistant is terrifying. She knows my name!! I tried to get used to the idea of talking to my computer to make it do things, but after five minutes, I came to the conclusion that my workflow could never benefit from such a silly thing. Moreover, I've found that she reawakens feelings inside me that I haven't felt in years...I'd like to get rid of this evil temptress, but I can't find an option to perform an exorcism on my PC. Does Microsoft plan to fix this issue in a future update?

What happened to my desktop gadgets? I don't know what a "CPU" is, but it made me feel really cool to have dials and meters on my desktop. It's just like a space movie! Does Microsoft plan to fix this issue in a future update?

I heard from the grapevine that there's a new "virtual desktop" feature in Windows 10. I removed all my clothes and made sure my webcam was connected, but even after looking around tirelessly, I couldn't find an option to scan my molecules and enter a virtual world. Does Microsoft plan to fix this issue in a future update?

When I made my coffee this morning, I didn't wait long enough for it to cool down and I burned myself. Does Microsoft plan to fix this issue in a future update?

972 points 10 hours ago

you are pretty lucky!

after i upgraded, my mouse cursor was on the left side of the screen but my mouse was in the middle of my mouse pad.

i really hope microsoft plans to fix this issue in a future update.

#windows #windows10