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Pięciu gości, po wyjściu z więzienia robili sobie #heheszki i robili naloty na domy dealerów narkotykowych jako policja po cywilu. Wszystko by się może dobrze skończyło ale....pewnego wieczoru pomylili domy.... (Eng)

#usa #patologiazewsi #narkotykizawszespoko #bagiety #ciekawostki #nowyjork #thuglife
  • 5
Police: 5 men planned cop-impersonation robberies of drug dealers.

A group of men posing as plainclothes detectives -- wearing suits and with fake gold badges around their necks -- are responsible for a series of home-invasion robberies on Long Island, authorities said Wednesday.

Once inside, the robbers would brandish guns and bind their victims with duct tape or zip ties, telling them they were being restrained "for their protection," Suffolk County District
Pobierz uczony77 - Police: 5 men planned cop-impersonation robberies of drug dealers.

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