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In the Game 1 of the 1997 NBA Finals, Karl Malone was fouled with 9.2 seconds left in the game. Before Malone shot his free throws, Pippen said to Malone: "Just remember, the mailman doesn't deliver on Sundays." Karl missed both free throws and the score was tied 82-82. Michael Jordan then made the game-winning shot in the final seconds to win the game.

Michael zaliczył wtedy mecz z 31pkt i 8 zbiorkami.

Chicago wygrało serie 4-2 i zdobyło mistrza NBA

Pobierz Gch9 - > In the Game 1 of the 1997 NBA Finals, Karl Malone was fouled with 9.2 second...
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@Gch9: Ja znam jeszcze anegdotkę o tym jak Jordan grał przeciwko Mugsy Bougesowi:

On the biggest possession of the game, Mugsy had the ball with the Hornets down 1. Jordan backed off of him and told him: “shoot it you fucking midget.” Mugsy shot it, didn’t come close. A year later Mugsy actually told Johnny Bach that he believes that single play ruined his career. His shot never recovered.