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No to co misie, może troche #ruskapropaganda na dziś?

A Pole locked up two Ukrainian women in the basement. He let them out after two weeks, but they didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t you go to the police?”—I ask. “But we have no rights here”, they answer.

You stand by the road and wait for a Pole. On Sunday, in the frost, from 5, 6 in the morning. Maybe today a Pole will wake up thinking “I don’t have a pressed shirt” or “why pay for a worker if I don’t have to pay?” Then he’ll get in the car and come get a Ukrainian girl: to pain walls, load coal, assemble scaffolding. He’ll pay 7 and sometimes even 20 zlotys per hour.

At the end of the day he may pay less than promised, or not pay at all. But that’s better than working for a month and getting paid nothing.

I drive to the illegal labor market in Piaseczno. Ukrainians fondly call it “the little market,” Poles, more directly, the “slave market.”

Zrodlo: http://fortruss.blogspot.ie/2015/03/minsk-2-fiasco-explained-kiev-wants-to.html
Tłumaczenie: http://inrussianow.blogspot.com/2015/03/ukrainians-for-cleaning-gardening.html
Temat z /int/ z którego wziąłem: https://boards.4chan.org/int/thread/39038890/why-did-canada-kill-ukraine

#rosja #ukraina #4konserwy #piaseczno
Pobierz k.....h - No to co misie, może troche #ruskapropaganda na dziś?

 A Pole locked up t...
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