Wpis z mikrobloga


White Case Labs Magnum TH10 case
EVGA SR-X Dual CPU motherboard
Two Intel Xeon E5-2650 8 core CPU's
96 Gigs of Kingston HyperX X 10th Anniversary Ram
Two Kingston 256 Gb HyperX SSD's
Two 3TB Green Western Digital HDD's
Four XFX HD 7970 Black Edition's
Two 1200 Watt Corsair Gold Series PSU's
all white individuality sleeved cables (corsair, with modifications from me)
Water cooling from Swiftech (dual CPU blocks, dual pumps, 480 radiator, fittings, ect)
17 fans from Bit Fenix
NZXT Hue LED lighting

SpiderFYM - #pcmasterrace

White Case Labs Magnum TH10 case
EVGA SR-X Dual CPU mot...

źródło: comment_r8rskN9q8wSbcySiTg2OUp2Oz0BrOt9J.jpg

  • 4
@SpiderFYM: taka maszyna aż prosi się o 4x980. :) Co prawda bez sensu, bo cała jedna gra dobrze skaluje się w SLI ale tu nie chodzi o sens. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)