Wpis z mikrobloga


Look at that booty.
Show me the booty.
Gimme the booty.
I want the booty.
Back up tha booty.
I need tha booty.
I like the booty.
Oh, what a booty.
Shakin' that booty.
I saw tha booty.
I want the booty.
Lord, what a booty.
Bring on tha booty.
Give up tha booty.
Lovin' tha booty.
Round booty.
Down for tha booty.
I want tha booty.
Huntin' tha booty.
Chasin' tha booty.
Casing tha booty.
Gettin' tha booty.
Beautiful booty.
Smokin' booty.
Talk to tha booty.
More booty.
Fine booty.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#spiewajzwykopem #heheszki