Mrs. Mary Couchman, a 24-year-old warden of a small Kentish Village, shields three little children, among them her son, as bombs fall during an air attack on October 18, 1940. The three children were playing in the street when the siren suddenly sounded. Bombs began to fall as she ran to them and gathered the three in her arms, protecting them with her body. Complimented on her bravery, she said, "Oh, it
cheeseandonion - Mrs. Mary Couchman, a 24-year-old warden of a small Kentish Village,...

źródło: FoS1MRhXgAMw5-Y

@cheeseandonion: w Polsce się nie zgadza. Jakbyśmy z żoną dzieci nie nauczyli podstaw czytania i pisania w przedszkolu, to do szkoły poszłyby z wiedzą o tym że pani w przedszkolu jest "kochana" a Polska jest taka fajna bo płynie przez nią Wisła i są góry i papież.
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