I jeszcze jedna petarda ( ͡°͜ʖ͡°) bo nie mogę się powstrzymać
Definicja progg house w jednym utworze
( ͡°ʖ̯͡°)
"Record sales and things like that... It really doesn't matter, ya know I mean it. It keeps a roof over your head, and keeps money in all these folks' pockets that I got hangin' around here! ..... You know, but... It basically stems from the music, and I'm just hoping that people understand that... You know money is one thing, but soul is another."
To nie jest temperatura dla białego człowieka. Ponad 20 stopni w Warszawie o 2:30. W nocy organizm potrzebuje chłodu do wypoczynku. A jutro ma być jeszcze cieplej.
Definicja progg house w jednym utworze
( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
"Record sales and things like that... It really doesn't matter, ya know I mean it. It keeps a roof over your head, and keeps money in all these folks' pockets that I got hangin' around here! ..... You know, but... It basically stems from the music, and I'm just hoping that people understand that... You know money is one thing, but soul is another."
#mirkoelektronika #lmhselekszyn #progressivehouse #ktotobedziesluchaltojaniewiem #prawilnyprogressivehouse #tylkoiwylacznieprogressivehouse #tagujebozapomnialemzenocna