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Protekcjonizm a rozwój gospodarczy w XIX w.

The Structure of Protection and Growth in the Late 19th Century

We therefore explore the relationship between economic growth and agricultural tariffs, industrial tariffs, and revenue tariffs, for a sample of relatively well-developed countries between 1875 and 1913. Industrial tariffs were positively correlated with growth. Agricultural tariffs were negatively correlated with growth, although the relationship was often statistically insignificant at conventional levels. There was no relationship between revenue tariffs and growth.

The good reputation of late XIX century protectionism: manufacture vs total protection in the European tariff growth debate.

This paper try to make more explicit the relation between industrial, agricultural and fiscal tariffs to clear the mechanism of causation between tariffs and growth. The good reputation of late 19th century European protectionism is questioned in this paper. First results show a negative relationship between tariffs and growth in Europe despite is founded a relevant disparities between total and manufacture tariff association with growth in Core and Peripheral European countries. In one side, rich European countries growth is associated with total tariff but not with manufacture tariff increase; and in the other side, poor Europeans countries growth appear negatively associated either with total than with manufacture tariff increase.

[ #neuropa #ekonomia #historiagospodarcza #fireflypoleca ]
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