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Dlaczego obecni tu zwolennicy #knp #jkm #korwin używają wyrażenia #dziensznura ? O ile wiem to wyrażenie wymyślone przez amerykańskich rasistów, określające mityczny dzień w którym wszyscy mieszacze-ras oraz sługusy syjonistycznego reżimu zostaną wyeliminowani, lol. Co to ma wspólnego z liberalizmem gospodarczym?

The Turner Diaries is a 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce (published under the pseudonym Andrew MacDonald) and a favorite on the far-right loony bin circuit. It is a fictional account of a guerrilla war waged by a white supremacist cadre organization to overthrow the United States government and set up a neo-Nazi regime. Although on the surface "just" a novel, every plot device in the book appears carefully and coldly calculated to impart the positions of the National Alliance, the neo-Nazi group which William Pierce led, and to serve as a blueprint for a white supremacist revolution in the U.S.


The Turner Diaries is a 1978 book by William Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald) the late leader of the National Alliance, a racist organization. The novel depicts a violent racist revolutionary struggle in the United States that escalates into global genocide, leading to the extermination of all Jews and non-whites.


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