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Wpis: https://wykop.pl/wpis/75413773/grupa-tureckojezycznych-studentow-torturuje-12-let (obrazek)

#!$%@? sprawa, brzmi jak prawacki wysryw. Ale może. Sprawdźmy... nie ma źródeł.

Relacja wykopka to kalka z angielskiego serwisu rmx.news - https://www.rmx.news/crime/germany-turkish-speaking-students-torture-12-year-old-child-on-film-police-investigation-already-halted/

Ich about us:

Remix offers news and commentary from Central Europe, the Visegrád countries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. By providing in English a curated selection of what’s trending daily in the local media of the region, Remix offers a look at what Czechs, Hungarians, Poles and Slovaks are reading everyday and a window on a dynamic region that is shaping the course of Europe’s future.

Remix is published by FWD affairs LLC, Budapest, Hungary. Remix is funded in part by the Batthyány Lajos Foundation in Budapest.

O nich z innych stron:

Remix News, one of the websites in question, is, for example, often linked to from the About Hungary Facebook page, which is run by the Hungarian state. - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/25/side-hungarys-media-crackdown/

Printed in Budapest, The European Conservative receives funding from the government through a non-profit, Batthyány Lajos Foundation (BLA), according to a Hungarian watchdog and multiple media reports. - https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/09/16/hungarys-government-is-funding-european-publications-to-little-success

Strona fundowana przez Budapeszt.

Na stronie głównej w tym momencie:
- Russia’s goal is to take over Germany, predicts Polish historian in interview with French media
- Hungary and Slovakia are united on Ukraine peace talks and illegal immigration, says PM Orbán
- Germany: Turkish-speaking students torture 12-year-old child on film, police investigation already halted (nasz artykuł)
- US arms market benefits from war in Ukraine, while Russia’s arms market shrinks
- Americans and Italians most favorable nationalities among Poles, Russians most disliked
- NATO should oblige all members to spend 3% of GDP on defense, says Polish President Duda
- Hungarian firms growing into regional leaders, says FM Szijjártó
- EU parliament to sue EU commission for releasing funds to Hungary

Nawet się nie przyczepie do tytułów, trochę straszno, trochę śmieszno.

Ale spoko artykuł powołuje się na blid.de i razem z wykopkiem twierdzą, że nic się nie da zrobić.

Na blid.de: https://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-aktuell/getreten-und-gewuergt-zwoelfjaehriger-von-jugendbande-in-uetersen-gequaelt-87461950.bild.html

Tłumaczone googlem:

Police spokeswoman Sandra Firsching told BILD: “The two students are twelve-year-old children who are not yet of criminal responsibility according to the law.” The police “forwarded the incident to the responsible youth welfare office with reference to a child who had committed a crime.” .

Katja Wohlers, spokeswoman for the Pinneberg district, responded to a BILD query: “The youth welfare office has been active in this case since March 1st. This includes several conversations with those involved as well as the use of professional, pedagogically trained helpers.” And further: “From the perspective of the school supervision, the Rosenstadtschule reacted exactly in the right way by immediately calling in the police and providing support for the affected student.”

In general, “sanctions against a perpetrator under the School Act are initiated by a school when incidents have been fully clarified and appropriate resolutions have been made in class conferences. In the case of massive acts of violence , this can also include expulsion to another school,” says Wohlers.

W Polsce małoletnim też się będzie zajmowała instytucja do ogarniania młodych, a nie policja.

Ten sam cytat na budapesztańskiej stronie która pisała to powołując się na artykuł blid:

“The (…) students are 12-year-old children who are not yet of criminal responsibility according to the law,” said a police spokesperson.

“From the point of view of the school supervision, the (school) reacted exactly in the right way by immediately involving the police and providing support for the affected student,” a spokeswoman for the Pinneberg district told Bild.

It is unclear if the Turkish-speaking perpetrators will suffer any consequences for the attack, even though the students attend the same school.

According to a spokeswoman, sanctions against the student can only be applied “when incidents have been fully clarified and appropriate resolutions have been made in class conferences. In the case of massive acts of violence, this can also include a referral to another school.”

Budapeszt donosi, że sprawa już została zamknięta na policji, a na blid możemy przeczytać, że tak, bo została przekazana gdzie indziej.

Bild reports that the video was already filmed in February, but a police investigation for assault and torture has already been closed, with the police saying their hands are tied.

Artykuł z budapesztańskiej strony (pisany na podstawie doniesień z BLIDa) ma lepszego tłumacza tureckiego:

The Turkish youth scream “Fuck off!” in Turkish during the video when they finally let their victim go.

Tłumacz Blida:

In the videos you can hear, among other things, how one of the boys says to the perpetrator in Turkish: “Don’t do it.” But no one stops him. When he finally lets his victim go, the thug shouts after him – also in Turkish: “Piss off!”

"Don't do it" nie pojawia się w budapesztańskim artykule który generalnie mocno uderza w antyimigracyjne nuty i kończy się:

"As Remix News has previously reported, schools are increasingly unsafe and chaotic due to mass immigration, with higher rates of teacher burnout and plummeting national test scores.

It is also not the first video of its kind, with another similar video going viral across Germany showing a young German girl being severely beaten on camera for hours in southern Germany, with none of the perpetrators facing any legal consequences. The victim’s mother reportedly collapsed in shock after seeing the video.

#niemcy #neuropainformuje ##!$%@?
Deykun - Wpis: https://wykop.pl/wpis/75413773/grupa-tureckojezycznych-studentow-tortu...

źródło: obraz

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