Wpis z mikrobloga

@Megasuper komentarz z reddita:

"He self harms and was also cut by one of his "friends" so he could bleed on the Russian edition of Messer. They appeared slowly over time so it wasn't an accident with the Engel wings or a one-time event. The drug trip stuff is also mostly rumour. People don't want to believe grown men cut themselves because of mental health problems, but they do."
@Dominek: to jest komentarz nt ran z MiG Tour i / lub trasy promujacej Messer po Rosji z 2018 (?) Tak sie sklada, ze znam osobiscie jednego z tych "friends" - chcieli (Till i osoby od promocji) realistyczne plamy krwi na egzemplarzach wtedy promowanego tomiku. I to uzyskali.

@Megasuper - genezy tych ran nie znam, ale mnie to wyglada na oparzenie.