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Chciałbym podzielić się komentarzem, na który natrafiłem, a z którym w większości się zgadzam. Nawet nie w kwestii ostatnich wydarzeń, ale po prostu, dla być może otrzeźwienia.

So just to sum up my view point before continuing: there is no such thing as magic, only things we do not understand. Also humans aren't special.

Now that everyone knows where I'm coming from, the fact that reputable people like Garry Nolan are saying things like "the woo is right around the corner" is definitely note worthy. And if he and others like him are right, its truly a paradigm shifting discovery.

So I'm open to the idea the phenomenon is way weirder than ETs (in fact I both subscribe to IDH as well as believe the chances the phenomenon is ET is exceedingly slim, because space is way fucking bigger than people realize, and waving a magic wand and saying "technologically advanced civilization" is not enough to answer that question, which I will go into if someone wants me to, but the TL;DR is space is mindfuckingly huge, and with the amount of energy needed, all it would take is a single critical meltdown to atomize an entire civilization in the blink of an eye), but that doesn't mean I think everything we're being told is real, nor should it all be taken seriously until there is some actual evidence.

Case in point, Tom Delonge has claimed somewhere in the Alaskan Wilderness there is an underground black pyramid built aeons ago, to suppress human consciousness and keep us all from realizing we all have psychic powers. He has provided no evidence for these claims, nor has anyone else.

That also touches on what I said earlier about "humans aren't special". There is a recurring theme in the stories of alleged contactees of being told things like "you humans do not realize your potential", to paraphrase a recent story pertaining to the Varginha incident. And that does not pass the sniff test. Not that we have don't unrealized potential mind you, but that people are always reporting being told this new age, healing crystals mumbo jumbo about how special we are. This is a constant theme in human belief going back to the origins of man, we tell ourselves we're more important than we are, because the alternative is acknowledging the unspoken truth that we all convince ourselves cannot be true. That there is no higher purpose, that we are not special, that everything around us is just chaos rather than the grand plan of some higher power.

A large segment of humanity has always demonstrated a need for some sort of "parental figure" for lack of a better term, whether it be gods or aliens, people crave the comfort in knowing that there is more to existence than what we can see, because otherwise our suffering means nothing, and people do not like that idea.

Thats why I am supremely skeptical of anyone who claims to be told things like that, for it is nothing more than wish fulfillment, a way to numb the pain of existence, by telling yourself something better is waiting just in the wings.

And before someone says "thats just some atheist bullshit", I have felt the longing for purpose and reassurance too, I was walking to a gas station once at like 2 or 3 in the morning, and there were no cars, no sounds besides nature, and no one besides me outside. In this moment I felt lonelier than I have ever felt in my life, and something in me longed to never feel that way again, to know that someone or something was with me. In that moment it clicked, I understood why people cling to the idea of higher powers with a guiding hand. Because all available evidence is to the contrary, we suck, our society sucks, and no one is going to save us from ourselves. And thats a terrifying idea, that we are truly on our own.

I see that same desire with this topic, and it makes sense, if even a fraction of what he have been told is real, there are things much, *much* more powerful than we are out there, and they may even be the gods, fae, djinn etc of old.

But even if they are, we are still not special. And the proof is in the pudding. If these things are truly real, and are truly the gods of old, they have the power to fix everything wrong with our society, to end the reigns of terror of people like the Kim Dynasty, or Vladimir Putin, or the deathcult with a whole lot of power that its currently trying to expedite the apocalypse, so that the rapture will happen in their lifetimes. They could end them and all of our suffering instantaneously, yet they choose not to. Thats not how you treat something you care about, something special to you.

To loop back a little, the famous Zimbabwe school incident where some kids saw a craft and some beings and were telekinetically told (paraphrased) "you are destroying the planet". Now thats an accurate statement, no two ways about that. But why tell that to some school kids in Zimbabwe? How about some world leaders, or the CEOs of these corporations raping out planet for profit? Or, and hear me out here, if we're important enough to be telling that to random ass school kids, how about you cut out the middleman and reveal yourself and your superiority, and force the wicked to capitulate?

Assuming those kids are telling the truth (and I believe their story more than I believe Mick West's theory about hippies and puppets), what should we make of that? I propose it supports there is something to the claims of the phenomenon being a trickster (which many have claimed). They have the power to help us, but prefer taunting us rather than actually getting involved with us.

Anyone Im kinda just rambling so Im gonna wrap this up.

So maybe there is something to PSI being the missing link that makes everything click, there is enough data to support there is something there. But the idea humans are special in the grand scheme just does not add up. We are just really smart monkeys, constrained to 3 dimensions, on a rock floating in the void of nothing/everything, and we are surrounded by things we do not understand, and likely cannot.
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@paczelok Trzeba zastanowić się w co można wierzyć, co wziąć pod uwagę, a co jest akcją dezinformacyjną. Podpalanie się, bo ktoś powiedział coś jest zbędne. Musimy albo zacząć wyczekiwać twardych dowodów, albo zacząć się ich domagać, lub wspierać ludzi, którzy się ich domagają. Zdrowy sceptycyzm jest tu bardzo potrzebny.
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@cichooo: Racja, + jeśli są do tego jakieś dowody materialne, typu dokumenty, dokumenty urzędowe to jeszcze lepiej bo to dodaje pewnej wiarygodności, ale nawet zakładając tak mocne Kryteria do sprawdzania źródeł to i tak jest bardzo bardzo dużo niewyjaśnionych przypadków
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@paczelok Mamy strasznie dużo informacji, z których i tak większość jest dezinformacją. Zobacz, że teraz na subach ludzie są gotowi łyknąć wszystko, dlatego, że nagle pojawiło się coś grubszego. Zimną krew to podstawa. Tak samo polecam olewać ludzi wyśmiewających temat i wrzucać ich na czarno, bo są zbędni.
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Case in point, Tom Delonge has claimed somewhere in the Alaskan Wilderness there is an underground black pyramid built aeons ago, to suppress human consciousness and keep us all from realizing we all have psychic powers. He has provided no evidence for these claims, nor has anyone else.


Mamy strasznie dużo informacji

Dlatego wstawiasz wpis bazujący na urojeniach Toma Delonge?

według mnie cała ta banda, razem z elizondo na czele to
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@Heekate Według mnie to nie jest wpis bazujący na opowieściach Delonge, nie wiem czemu tak mówisz. Gość przecież pisze tu o tym, że takie gadanie to właśnie bzdura wymyślona dlatego, że ludzie potrzebują wierzyć.
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@cichooo: mnie to trochę śmierdzi honey potem - gdzie rząd mówi 'sprawdzam' i mogą kusić ludzi do zdrady tajemnic państwowych, aby wyłapać gagatków. Coś za dużo tego wszystkiego i brak ani jednego dowodu. Czy wiadomo czy będzie ten 7 godzinny wywiad z Grashem?
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Gość przecież pisze tu o tym, że takie gadanie to właśnie bzdura wymyślona dlatego, że ludzie potrzebują wierzyć.

No właśnie nie do końca tak pisze. Pisze, że jest otwarty na takie rzeczy i że wierzy, że ET to nie tylko zaawansowana technologia, ale nie wierzy, że ludzie są w stanie posiadać taką wiedzę i że chcą, bo uważa, ze takie informacje mogą być wyniszczające i nie jest to niczym dobrym, podobny wpis
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@Heekate już pomijając temat wpisu, bo padam na ryj, to serio, z takimi pytaniami uderzałbym właśnie do ciebie. Robisz zajebistą robotę chłopie, spokojnego wieczoru.
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@cichooo: Tom Delonge xD. No boże miej litośc. Wy nie powinniście mieć praw wyborczych ani żadnej zdolności prawnej bo jesteście bardziej naiwni od jednokomórkowych istot.
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@cichooo: właśnie ty masz z tym problem inteligencie, co zresztą nie jest niczym dziwnym jak rozpowszechniasz takie gówno dla ludzi z minusowym IQ. W komentarzu bajdurzenie delonge jest podane jako przykład i później używane do stworzenia tej idiotycznej teorii.

Teorie tworzy się na podstawie dowodów w celu wyjaśnienia istniejących procesów. Twoje pieprzenie to zwyczajne kłamstwa i bełkot bezrobotnego ćpuna. Kompletnie wadliwe wnioski logiczne. Bezsensowne zdania. Zaprzeczanie samemu sobie w tak krótkim
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Case in point, Tom Delonge has claimed somewhere in the Alaskan Wilderness there is an underground black pyramid built aeons ago, to suppress human consciousness and keep us all from realizing we all have psychic powers. He has provided no evidence for these claims, nor has anyone else.

@cichooo: mega sie z tym nie zgadzam. Bardzo słaby przykład.
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