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@k4lafior warto dodać dla kontekstu ten fragment z tego artykułu:

Magda's comments come as defense for her fun and flirtatious relationship with costar Jamie Sayed, despite having a boyfriend at the time this scene was filmed. The Polish model has since broken up with her boyfriend Maciek, who is also from Poland, who she referred to as her 'soulmate.'

archetyp p0lki.
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Unfortunately for some fans, Jamie has since clarified they haven't gotten together since their first charter on the superyacht Thalassa. Jamie explained he quickly got over his feelings once he discovered Magda was already seeing someone.
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@k4lafior: znam tę idiotkę osobiście, poznałem ją kiedyś w Londynie, nawet spałem u jej koleżanki po imprezie i ona w tym samym pokoju spała XD mega pusta laska co wyżej sra niż dupę ma.
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@k4lafior: ostateczna prawda na temat kobiet: the girls just wanna have fun. Świat się może palić, wszyscy zdychać, ludzkość cierpieć, ale najważniejsze, żeby ona miała fun
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