Wpis z mikrobloga

Idiom na dziś:

hold the phone

Przykłady użycia:

- '[...] and this is the whole story behind...' 'Hold the phone! Do you really expect me to believe it?'
- Hold the phone, somebody just messeged me about this.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
  • 13
  • Odpowiedz
- "Your holiness, we have to adress world about atrocities commited by Russian Federation on Ukraine!"
- "Hold the phone, son", said pope Francis. "We have no interest in angering our dearest friend and superior, his excellence Vladimir Putin. I'll better tell something like 'we are all responsible' or some shit like that. Now, pour me a drink and bring me some altar boys".
  • Odpowiedz