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Humble Bundle z książkami wydawnictwa Apress. Głównie o technologiach związanych z .NET, ML.NET, Cpłotek, TypeScript, Azure, Github.

26 książek za £14!

Pełna lista:

Practical Entity Framework Core 6

.NET Developers Guide to Augmented Reality in iOS

Lean Software Systems Engineering for Developers

Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

Introducing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr)

Pro ASP.NET Core Identity

ML.NET Revealed

Visual Studio Code Distilled

The Complete ASP.NET Core API Tutorial

Introducing .NET 6

Building Single Page Applications in .NET Core

Microsoft Blazor

Introducing .NET for Apache Spark

Microsoft Conversational AI Platform for Developers

Practical Paint.NET

Pro ASP.NET Core 6

Advanced ASP.NET Core 3 Security

Pro Microservices in .NET 6

C# Programming for Absolute Beginners, 2nd edition

Mastering Azure API Management

Stylish F# 6

Essential TypeScript 4

Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6

Hands on GitHub Actions

ASP.NET Web Forms Development

Introducing Microsoft Quantum Computing for Developers

#dotnet #programowanie #microsoft #microservices #entityframework #blazor #frontend #backend #azure #dapr #csharp #fsharp #spark #mlnet
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