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@wooah: jeśli bellingcat daje takie info to pewnie prawda - dlatego, żadnych negocjacji atomówy w Moskwę i
Petersburg oraz zlecenie zabicia Putina
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@wooah: @KtosInnyNizJa: @WaveCreator: @gharman: @mexxl: https://www.wsj.com/articles/roman-abramovich-and-ukrainian-peace-negotiators-suffer-symptoms-of-suspected-poisoning-11648480493?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1

Following the meeting in the Ukrainian capital, Mr. Abramovich, who has shuttled among Moscow, Lviv and other negotiating venues, as well as at least two senior members of the Ukrainian team developed symptoms that included red eyes, constant and painful tearing, and peeling skin on their faces and hands, the people said.

Western experts who looked into the incident said it
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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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@spinor: jak to się okaże prawdą to pokaże światu, że z ruskimi nie ma co negocjować, biorąc pod uwagę źródło może być ciekawie.
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