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-I'm listening, confidence telephone for persons with alcohol problems and for their families, how can I help you?
-For me in no way you can not help because I can for myself stop alcohol. I switched myself from alcohol at least to beer. This is probably straight.
-Beer is also alcohol
-Yes ok good, but not what is in, let's give on it, in vodka's bottle
-And you sir drink beer?
-mhm. And? Somehow it disturbs you?
-That means, sometimes I want for me alcohol, here and there, for today's day, somehow now I'm drinking beer, here and there, so that I am simply not drawn now to alcohol
-that and less-
-you are drinking alcohol now?
-and lesser amount of cigarettes I smoke
-because to this time I smoked over almost two packages and now only, average, enough for me is twelve pieces so almost every hour I smoke a cigarette
-and you're calling so that??
-I am not calling from this phone but someone is calling and from lajtopa.. and not from this telephone here and there. but this phone is given so that is different
-and they called you, yes?
-soon you will say that I have to go to rehab, yes?no
-no yeah, if you are drinking beer that has 6 percent that means you are under the influence of alcohol, because this 6 percent is exactly alcohol.
-no yes but you thought that you right away stopped sex?? aha?!
-excuse me..?
-did you think that, at least when you made love with husband or I don't know with who, and you stopped sex for yourself? in the half? that is the same also for me. i can't stop right away. because there is not such option. this is like. for you this is like how can I say it, simple. aha. drank coffe and enough. yeah. it is not like that.
-i am a bit surprised because someone called in your name you are talking to me at least I understand that you do not want to talk because it is not you calling in addition since the morning you are drinking beer. precisely I don't know what is it about
-so I don't know, check the number and here and there and you will know. because probably for you on the cell it displayed from what number it is being called. already you wanna put me in a loony bin? here you go then. put me if you want but I don't know where, because if not then I will go to masuria and there I will go for myself to hospital. to Eelstown. O. there is going to be the most interesting. and no they will be putting me here in Whiteslope after hospitals and fuck knows where. fuck. You check the number and him and you train him, maybe for him it is fit? the hospital and here and there.
-Johnny! Bottoms up!
-good FUCK stop doing me some fucking numbers because you know what?! completely I'll turn off this phone and all! and dick! You won't be fucking around comedy for me! That some fucking hospitals and fuck knows what!

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