Wpis z mikrobloga

Sówkowe szoty
1. Fix it! NOW
2. My life looks like this too xD
3. Za takie reakcje ją kocham xD
4. Protecc the idol!
[5.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFW7-4Dw-RA&list=WL&index=35&ab_channel=QuteCh.) It's not like i missed you or anything, BAKA
6. xD
7. The worst she can say is no, right? RIGHT????

#anime #randomanimeshit #virtualyoutuber #hololive #nanashimumei #ourokronii
Pobierz JustKebab - Sówkowe szoty
1. Fix it! NOW
2. My life looks like this too xD
3. Za t...
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