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Just the same, just as I don't have a deck of resentment towards the guys from Torida and that's it... Hence the misrepresentation - a Czech error. However, unlike Tańcula, I can read the papers - you took on a lajf despite the warning, despite the warning you took on a lajf open confidant. Just now to me... Once again and nowww...And I must say. I have been commited. I HAVE BEEN COMMITTED, I HAVE BEEN COMMITTED by the people of Walcz, sorry by the people of Zabrze, to express, now from them clearly, you have from the people of Zabrze for accepting an overt confidant on lajf despite the warning. Well you got from Torida, I'm hammering you on behalf of Torida. YOU'RE A LOSER, TANCULA YOU'RE A LOSER!!!!
#famemma #famemmauk #famemmapoangielsku #jackmooransky
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