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Biją człowieka więc zrobię sobie selfie
"Watch A Mob Of Blacks Assaults A White Tourist In Hollywood As The Rest Of The Group Films For Pleasure The Los Angeles Police Department responded to a call of an attack around 10 p.m. on Saturday, September 18. According to Los Angeles Police Department, about five males and a female were involved in the attack. LAPD was told the victim was a tourist and approached another person that he was preaching the wrong thing, prompting a heated argument between the victim and the person who was allegedly preaching in public. Following the argument, several people jumped in and started attacking the victim, who was Caucasian. The attack is being investigated as an assault with a deadly weapon hate crime, the LAPD told FOX 11. The suspected attackers ran off from the scene. As of Monday night, no arrests have been announced in the incident."
#blm #logikarozowychpaskow
peradon - Biją człowieka więc zrobię sobie selfie
"Watch A Mob Of Blacks Assaults A ...

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@peradon: ""The attack is being investigated as an assault with a deadly weapon hate crime" - W owrotnej sytuacji to byłoby oczywiście przestępstwo na tle rasowym... Co do tej baby jest na tyle durna, że nie rozumie, że teraz każdy będzie kojarzył jej "r*j z tą sprawą...
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