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Hey Mochi Community! We have released a new experiment - OneMoon. OneMoon is a Harmony ONE exclusive and first reflective/passive rewards token, with auto liquidity and multitoken burns and hMOCHI. You can learn more at onemoon.mochiswap.io - This is officially live now!. Please note this is an experiment you should NOT manually add liquidity! Remember to Ape safely!

5% goes to existing holders of ONEMOON as rewards. 2.5% is used to create permanently locked liquidity between ONEMOON-ONE using MochiSwap LPs The remaining 2.5% is unwrapped, the ONEMOON is burned, and the ONE is used to buy hMOCHI which is also burned.

So each ONEMOON transaction has the following outcomes:

- 5% of the fee is distributed as ONEMOON to existing holders.
- 2.5% of the fee is used to create permanent/irreversible locked ONE-ONEMOON liquidity
- 1.25% of the fee (the unwrapped ONEMOON side) is burned
- 1.25% of the fee (the unwrapped ONE side) is used to BUY AND BURN hMOCHI


kek, ja tam troche kupilem. wystartowalao z pol godziny temu. Prawdopodobnie pierwszy taki token na harmony.

Cryptonerd_io - Hey Mochi Community! We have released a new experiment - OneMoon. One...

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@szfeps: twój wybór. mniej napompowane niż safemoon, nie wiem jak inne projekty tego typu. ale to jest pierwszy tego typu na horizon plus wypuścił to team odpowiedzialny za największy, jak nie jedyny, dex na horizon.
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@szfeps jasne, ale małe kwoty typu 100USD coby ci nie było szkoda, zobacz jakie liczby wykręcił OP. Więcej nie ma co bo przy tak dużych wzrostach nie ma siły żeby nie było korekty.
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