Wpis z mikrobloga

Znamy datę wyjścia 1 rozdziału:

Sorry for the radio silence, we worked non-stop for the last 6 weeks and I didn't want to post anything until the bulk of work was done, meaning no unexpected delays. It's done now (all that's left is visual polish), so the first chapter will be released on April 6. At this point we can honestly say we did our best. Hopefully you'll enjoy the game and help us make it better.

Oraz cenę:

$24.99 on release, $29.99 when we add chapter 2, $34.99 when we add chapter 3, $39.99 when it's done.

Będę celował w release po tym jak AoD i DR dorwałem za grosze, nalezy im się.
#crpg #rpg #gry #colonyship #ageofdecadence
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