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Nowa pięciolatka - plan energetyczny Chin na najbliższe pięć lat:


1. China is finally moving toward large scale construction of off-shore wind farms.

2. Coal power plants will be moved near coal mines. I'm impressed they managed to deal with local oppositions. China's industrial provinces traditionally preferred to import coal and generate power in-province rather than importing energy, because fire power plants boost local GDP and employment. Ultra-supercritical power plants near coal mines + ultra-high-voltage electricity transmission is easily more efficient.

3. Finally Guangdong's power grid is going to be connected to Fujian's. People might not know this, but Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hainan run on a separate power grid from the rest of China. A bit like Texas.

4. It's not on the map, but the five-year plan puts special emphasis on the development of Very High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor. Chinese progress on VHTR is further than fast breeders and molten salt, and VHTR with electricity/hydrogen cogeneration can be a replacement for coal power as a complement to intermittent renewables.
Transhumanista - #energetyka 

Nowa pięciolatka - plan energetyczny Chin n...

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The VHTR demonstration plant HTR-PM and the commercial 600 MWe HTR-PM600 both got mentioned in the five-years plan outline, and they are the only gen iv reactors got mentioned.

According to this report


R&D on a supercritical model will conclude by 2023, development of a hydrogen generation model will then follow. HTR-PM and HTR-PM600 operates at around 800°C, which is fine for electricity. For hydrogen