Wpis z mikrobloga

Nie wiem czy wiecie ale Polacy są na drugim miejscu na świecie w spożyciu ziemniaków.



"The countries with the highest levels of potato per capita consumption in 2019 were Belarus (591 kg per person), Ukraine (521 kg per person) and the Netherlands (350 kg per person)."


Bo nie wspominam o gołych liczbach:

"The countries with the highest volumes of potato consumption in 2019 were China (93M tonnes), India

"The countries with the highest levels of potato per capita consumption in 2019 were Belarus (591 kg per person), Ukraine (521 kg per person) and the Netherlands (350 kg per person)."

Kilkaset kilogramów ziemniaków na osobę rocznie? Serio ludzie jedzą przeszło kilogram ziemniaków dziennie?