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#python #pyheart #programowanie

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (1-7 lutego 2021) na https://pyheart.pl. Podsumowania można śledzić obserwując tag #pyheart.

Link do podsumowania zeszłego tygodnia znajduje się tutaj.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:
Artykuły (21)
1. StackAbuse - Covariance and Correlation in Python
2. BetterProgramming - Python Bool Type: What Goes On Under The Hood
3. Matt Layman - Are Django and Flask Similar?
4. Monadical Blog - Implementing C++ Virtual Functions in Cython
5. Adam Johnson - Using Django Check Constraints to Limit A Model to a Single Instance
6. TestDriven.io - Django and Pydantic
7. RealPython - Qt Designer and Python: Build Your GUI Applications Faster
8. Sebastian Witowski - Python Versions Management With pyenv
9. TestDriven.io - Accepting Payments with Stripe, Vue.js, and Flask
10. RealPython - Python Web Applications: Deploy Your Script as a Flask App
11. StackAbuse - Python: How to Handle Missing Data in Pandas DataFrame
12. TestDriven.io - Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI
13. BetterProgramming - Display Progress Bars Using tqdm in Python
14. Adam Johnson - Using Django Check Constraints to Prevent the Storage of The Empty String
15. BetterProgramming - How To Query Pandas Data Frames Using SQL Syntax
16. BetterProgramming - How To Debug Performance Issues in Python With Profilers
17. TestDriven.io - Developing a Single Page App with Flask and Vue.js
18. BetterProgramming - 3 Useful Python Tricks for Beginners
19. Machine Learning Mastery - How to Develop a Neural Net for Predicting Car Insurance Payout
20. JetBrains Blog - PyCharm 2021.1 EAP starts now!
21. Petr Stribny - Finding Remote Work with Python and AI

YouTube (13)
1. Pyplane - How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 2
2. freeCodeCamp - Build Three Django Projects - Python Course
3. Learn Python WIth Rune - Financial Data Analysis with Python - Full Course Part 1/8 - Technical Analysis with DataFrames
4. NeuralNine - Camera Chat in Python
5. NeuralNine - Predicting Stock Prices in Python
6. python: why str('foo') (python 2 / 3 compat) (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #226
7. python: how do any / all work? (beginner) anthony explains #225
8. Kacper Sieradziński - Django + Postgres ️ + Docker Jak to ze sobą połączyć :)
9. How to copy to clipboard using js | Django and Javascript tutorial series
10. python: why is -c faster than -m? (intermediate) anthony explains #222
11. Learn Python WIth Rune - Excel Automation with Python - Read data and calculate MACD and Export to Excel
12. NeuralNine - Decorators - Advanced Python Tutorial #2
13. Learn Python With Rune - Excel Automation with Simple Moving Average - Full Python Tutorial

Podkasty (4)
1. Talk Python To Me (#302) - The Data Engineering Landscape in 2021
2. Podcast._init_ (#300) - Exploring Literate Programming For Python Projects With nbdev
3. Django Chat (#84) - Wagtail, React, & Gatsby - Dawn Wages
4. PythonBytes (#219) - HTMX: Dynamic and live HTML without JavaScript

Newsletter (1)
1. Django News (#61)
