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#pyheart #python #programowanie

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (25-31 stycznia 2021) na https://pyheart.pl. Podsumowania można śledzić obserwując tag #pyheart.

Link do podsumowania zeszłego tygodnia znajduje się tutaj.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:
Artykuły (23)
1. TestDriven.io - Production Django Deployments on Heroku
2. StackAbuse - How to Format Number as Currency String in Python
3. Michał Godkowicz - Another way to persist DDD Aggregates in Django
4. StackAbuse - Matplotlib Box Plot - Tutorial and Examples
5. TestDriven.io - Concurrent Web Scraping with Selenium Grid and Docker Swarm
6. RealPython - Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm With Python and NumPy
7. Sebastian Witowski - 25 IPython Tips for Your Next Advent of Code
8. Twilio Blog - Building a NASA Satellite Imagery SMS Bot with Python, Flask, and Twilio
9. Monadical Blog - How to Make Library Distribution Easier
10. Adam Johnson - Cheap Bug Protection With pre-commit’s Regex Hooks
11. StackAbuse - Integrating MongoDB with Flask Using Flask-PyMongo
12. TestDriven.io - Generating a Static Site with Flask and Deploying it to Netlify
13. Adam Johnson - How to Limit Test Time in Django’s Test Framework
14. RealPython - How to Use Python: Your First Steps
15. rmcomplexity - Everything you need to know about Python data classes
16. Sebastian Buczyński - Python & the Clean Architecture in 2021
17. StackAbuse - Seaborn Box Plot - Tutorial and Examples
18. Twilio Blog - Receive SMS Transaction Notifications for your TransferWise Account with Twilio and Python
19. BetterProgramming - Scheduling Python Scripts on Linux
20. Machine Learning Mastery - How to Use Nelder-Mead Optimization in Python
21. Petr Stribny - Testing Python Applications with Pytest [Guide]
22. StackAbuse - How to Iterate Over a Dictionary in Python
23. Žan Anderle - 5 JavaScript things you should know/understand as a Python Developer

YouTube (10)
1. Kacper Sieradziński - Stawiamy środowisko na Dockerze
2. NeuralNine - Magic Methods & Dunder - Advanced Python Tutorial #1
3. how I sped up python's tokenize module by 25% (intermediate) anthony explains #221
4. Pyplane - How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 1
5. Code Drip - Simple Twitter Bot With Python Tutorial
6. JustDjango - What is the future of Django / Is Django becoming obsolete?
7. NeuralNine - Candlestick Charts in Python
8. Pyplane - Django tutorial 2021 | Django Social Network project 2.0 with Javascript - part 3
9. Django Lessons - Python Namespace Packages
10. Python Engineer - Machine Learning From Scratch In Python - Full Course With 12 Algorithms (5 HOURS)

Podkasty (4)
1. Talk Python To Me (#301) - Deploying and running Django web apps in 2021
2. PythonBytes (#218) - Keyboards for developers, Python, and some history
3. Podcast._init_ (#299) - Making The Sans I/O Ideal A Reality For The Websockets Library
4. Test & Code (#142) - MongoDB - Mark Smith

Newslettery (1)
1. Django News (#60)

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