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#programowanie #programista15k #python #pyheart

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (od 28 grudnia 2020 do 3 stycznia 2021) na https://pyheart.pl (agregatorze polsko oraz anglojęzycznego kontentu związanego z językiem programowania Python).
Od dzisiaj, każde nowe podsumowanie będzie zawierało tag #pyheart, więc zachęcam zainteresowanych do jego śledzenia.

Link do podsumowania: https://pyheart.pl/summaries/150582d5.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:

youtube (18)
- Kacper Sieradziński - Django i Python zaczynamy! :) Zróbcie hałas
- python: decorating a class (intermediate) anthony explains#194
- Pyplane - Django tutorial 2021 | Django Social Network project 2.0 with Javascript - part 1
- Simplilearn - Data Science Full Course | Data Science For Beginners
- PythonEngineer - Build A Website Blocker With Python - Task Automation Tutorial
- DataDaft - Python for Data Analysis: Random Forests
- DataDaft - Python for Data Analysis: Decision Trees
- python deque (useful interview datastructures) (intermediate) anthony explains #190
- TradeOptionsWithMe - Learn How to Code a Trading Bot in Python
- Learn Python With Rune - PL Master Pandas GroupBy with Code Example - HTML table, clean, groupby
- DataDaft - Python for Data Analysis: Logistic Regression
- python: conditional context and ExitStack (intermediate) anthony explains #189
- Pyplane - How to build referral links using Django | recommendation system Django #2
- getitjob - Python w 2021 czy warto?
- Learn Python With Rune - Excel Report Automation with Python - Easy Multiple Excel Sheet Reports - Python Code Walkthrough
- Pyplane - How to build referral links using Django | recommendation system Django #1
- Simplilearn - Artificial Intelligence Full Course
- what is a singleton? (and python patterns) (intermediate - advanced) anthony explains #188

article (12)
- Machine Learning Mastery - Feature Selection with Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
- Machine Learning Mastery - How to Choose an Optimization Algorithm
- StackAbuse - How to Use Global and Nonlocal Variables in Python
- Valentino Gagliardi - 2020, my year in review
- TestDriven.io - Asynchronous Tasks with Flask and Redis Queue
- JustDjango - JustDjango 2020 in review
- How to Create Partial Functions in Python
- RealPython - Python and MySQL Database: A Practical Introduction
- StackAbuse - Ultimate Guide to Heatmaps in Seaborn with Python
- Jacob Kaplan-Moss - AI is catching up to the hype
- TestDriven.io - Continuous Delivery in an Agile World
- StackAbuse - Reading and Writing HTML Tables with Pandas

podcast (3)
- Test & Code (#141) - Visual Testing - Angie Jones
- Podcast._init_ (#295) - Making Content Management A Smooth Experience With A Headless CMS
- Talk Python To Me (#297) - Python year in review (2020 edition)

newsletter (1)
- Django News (#56)
