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#uk #presettled jak rozumieć tą wiadomość od HO? Chcą żebym wysłał im pocztą paszport?

We are in the process of considering your application and we require some additional information or evidence from you to help us to make sure we reach the correct decision. We would like to reassure you that no decision has been made on your EU Settlement Scheme application at this stage and we will work with you to help you with your application.

We are therefore writing to ask you to provide the following additional evidence to help us consider whether you meet the requirements for settled status (indefinite leave to enter or remain) or pre-settled status (limited leave to enter or remain).

The identity document used in support of your application requires further verification before your application can be progressed. Therefore, your current valid **EU passport/identity card/Biometric Residence Card is required.

Please provide it within 14 days of the date of this email
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@Lavson wysyłasz poczta albo dowód, albo paszport. Biometric card dotyczy osób spoza Unii.
Najlepiej jak wyślesz na wskazany adres z dokumentem także "pre-paid envelope", wtedy odeślą dowód/paszport w tej kopercie, a nie jakimś zwyklakiem first class.
HO jest znane z gubienia dokumentów.
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