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Czemu powiązanie funduszy z praworządnością to osobisty problem Orbana?

Przeklejam wątek Szabolcsa Panyiego, dziennikarza Direkt36, wraz z odnośnikami w którym podaje liczne przykłady, jak Orban budował finansową potęgę swojej najbliższej rodziny na funduszach unijnych. Orbanizm to nie tylko dawanie zarobić kolegom z klasy, ale też ojcu czy zięciowi.
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Győző Orbán Sr., the PM’s father made tens of millions of euros through Hungarian public works projects funded by EU money. Orbán's companies were always sub-contractors or suppliers, hence they could avoid appearing in public databases for years.


After a 3-year-long public information lawsuit, direkt36 received additional documents related to the businesses of Orbán’s father. It turned out that he benefited from a road construction which was criticized by the EU due to its extremely high costs.


Besides building roads, Orbán Sr. #!$%@? in several sewage construction projects too. This time, the scheme was even more interesting: the project bidder (and winner) was Orbán’s childhood friend, Lőrinc Mészáros, who then subcontracted Orbán Sr.


Thanks to these EU funded Hungarian state projects, Viktor Orbán’s father became so successful that, in 2018, his mining company’s profit margin (41,3%) was more than double of the market average.


Let’s move on to Győző Orbán Jr., the Prime Minister’s brother, whose technology firm received EU subsidies multiple times throughout the years. In 2016, for example, Győző Orbán Jr. won two grants worth more than a million euros.


Győző Orbán won another EU subsidy (416K euros) in 2018 - with a little help from the family, of course: "The funding for the subsidies comes from the EU’s budget but the grant system is (...) under the control of the Prime Minister’s Office."


Finally, there’s the story of Orbán’s son-in-law, István Tiborcz (married to Ráhel Orbán), who got rich through EU-funded public lighting projects. His company kept winning contracts without competition as the procurements were rigged from the start.


Orbán’s office jumped in directly to help the son-in-law’s business. “The Prime Minister’s Office played a significant role in enabling Tiborcz’s former company to win a series of public procurements and other state contracts without real competition."


The business dealings of Orbán’s son-in-law were so shady that OLAF, the EU’s anti-fraud office came to Hungary to investigate them. They basically corroborated what @direkt36 had already uncovered.


And here comes the part which explains why the enforcement of the rule of law regarding how EU funds are spent is crucial: despite strong evidence of fraud by OLAF, guess what happened to the Hungarian police investigation against Orbán’s son-in-law...


Finally, here’s a complete list of our articles on the enrichment of Viktor Orbán’s family:

Panyi podaje też link do wsparcia Direkt 36. Biorąc pod uwagę, jak Fideszowy rząd potrafi wykańczać media odcięciem od reklamodawców niezależność finansowa tych mediów jest bardzo ważna.
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@Fren: a faktycznie dziadek Orban pewnie ma posunięta demencję, interesy robi jego synek, a dziadzia tylko podpisuje dokumenty i dostaje swoją dolę jako "skromną" emeryturkę.
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